
Wednesday, 28 August 2019


We have been doing some work based around the All Blacks so we had to fill in a sheet about what we know about the All Blacks, What we want to know about the All Blacks and what we found out about the All Blacks. Here is my work -

Monday, 19 August 2019

Instrumental Industries

Today we started a new subject. MUSIC! First we braingstormed some things we already know such as artists we listen to, my group wrote Lil Tjay, NLE Choppa, ILoveFriday and Blueface.Then we watched some videos on types of music. There were songs such as Poi e and some others. We also started a part of the subject ( The Ukulele ). So far I like it... ( But we have only done two hours in, soooo... ) We made a slide about the Ukulele, on the slide is our title page and the main parts of a Ukulele. We made it look cool because when we finished we were allowed to make it "Pretty".

Here is the slide I made.

Wednesday, 14 August 2019

Trip To The Daycare

Today ( August 14th 2019 ) we ( Me, Josh, Skyler, Sheila, Chloe, Hans and Lucy ) went to the elderly daycare to share our work with some of the people there. I was talking to some people, there names were Kelvin, Keith and John. We did have some things in common... We all liked Rugby League and we were all intrested in outdoor activities. I liked it there and would happily do it again.

Monday, 12 August 2019

Drama Week 7


So today we have to blog about what we did on Tuesday and a feeling we have felt recently.

On Tuesday we picked to roleplay a game of League. The reason why we picked League is
because in League you can feel all diffrent emotion and since we are learning about emotions 
we thought it would be perfect. The people in my group were Shikarn, Kody, James, Mahaliya 
and me. In our roleplay one of the teams win by 2 points and are really happy, but the other team 
are really sad. It shows the opposite emotions at the same time.

The feeling that I have felt recently is Serene. Serene means calm, relaxed and all of the stuff 
like that... The emoji for serene is...



The reason I felt that is because nothing has really bothered me in a way that has made me sad. Another reason is because it isnt only making me feel better it makes others aswell. When im calm it will let everyone stay on task, but if im angry I will distrupt people around me and they wont be able to focus on their work.

At the start of todays leason we learnt about box breathing and what it is. Box breathing is a way to calm yourself and trick your brain into thinking that nothing has happened. Everybody in AL and WH ( well 90% anyway ) and it actually helped. Here is a diagram about box breathing.👇
Here is a video about the roleplay we did on Tuesday.👇

Thursday, 8 August 2019


How can we prevent climate change though recycling these products?

Video questions:

What is Zero Waste?

One of the quickest and cheapest ways a community can immediately
reduce climate impact 

What can we do on the planet?
  1. Reducing Emissions  
  2. Share Things
  3. Reducing Plastic
What do we need to recycle?

What does recycling do?
Keeps methane from going into the atmosphere

How much of our rubbish is food scraps?

40% ????

What does soil do to carbon dioxide in the atmosphere?

Pulls it down from the atmosphere and stores it (stores x3 more than trees

What do we need to do?
  1. Make Peoples. 
  2. Have Zero Emissions 

What is a carbon footprint?

How can you make your Carbon Footprint smaller?



Name 3 of the tips.

  1. Reducing electricity
  2. Driving Less  
  3. Carpooling  



Image result for rates of decomposition

Choose 4 items from the list and investigate them. 

Orange Peels

You need to answer three questions.

Name: Kody

  1. How long do they take to decompose?
  2. What resource / fossil fuel are they made from?
  3. How is this resource recycled?
  4. How does this object contribute to climate change?

1. Never
2. Polystyrene
3. Cant be
4.  polystyrene manufacturing greatly contributes to global warming

1. 2-4 weeks
2. Trees
3. Reused 

Orange Peels:
1. 3-6 months
2. Oranges
3. Naturally Decompose

1. 1-3 months
2. Trees
3. Naturally Decompose 

Fossil Fuels

 Image result for coal mining

Image result for oil rig

Aim: To look at how fossil fuels are contributing to climate change and how we can prevent this.

Definition of Fossil Fuels-
A natural fuel such as coal or gas, formed in the geological past from the remains of living organisms.

Scientific Terms for Students
  • coal: a dark-brown to black solid substance formed naturally from the compaction and hardening of fossilized plants and used as a fuel primarily for electricity generation
  • natural gas: a mixture of hydrocarbon gases that occurs naturally beneath the earth’s surface and is used as a fuel primarily for cooking and heating homes
  • renewable resource: a resource that is never used up (e.g., solar energy)
  • non-renewable resource: a resource that is not replaceable after its use (e.g., coal, gas)

Examples of Fossil Fuels:
  1.   Coal
  2.   Oil
  3.   Gas


In groups of 3 you will learn about different fossil fuels and the way they are mined?
Each group will be given a fossil fuel. The recorder will read it to the group. The recorder will write down some of the important points.
Person 1: Recorder: to write down 5 points of interest from the text. 
  1. 5 Points:
  2. Positives and negatives of your type of mining.
Person 2: Reporter: to read back to the class their 5 points of interest.
Person 3: Collector: Gathers the required stationary from the teacher.

Mining Fossil Fuels

What Fossil Fuels are mined?
How are they mined?

1. Coal- The overburden of soil and rock is first broken up by explosives; it is then removed by draglines or by shovel and truck. Once the coal seam is exposed, it is drilled, fractured and systematically mined in strips.

2. Oil- Extracting crude oil normally starts with drilling wells into an underground reservoir


    On the sheet provided you need to make two drawings of your cookie. 
    1. looking down at it. 
    2. side on -  of the imaginary habitat that will live on the top of the cookie. ( trees, buses, flax, sea, etc)


    1.  Chocolate Chip Cookie
    2.  Toothpick
    3.  Plastic Plate
    4.  Paper
    5.  Pencil
    1.   Get A Cookie And A Plate
    2.   Then Draw On Paper What Your Cookie Looks Like ( Dosent Have To Be Exact )
    3.   Pick Out As Many Chocolate Chips As You Can
    4.   Once You Have Picked Out As Many As You Can Draw What Is Looks Like ( Dosent Have To Be Exact )
    Once you have drawn your cookies you must take 2 pictures and upload them to your blog.

    Findings: What did you find out as a result of your mining? That When I Was Trying To Get Out All Of The Chocolate Chips The Cookie Would Crumble And Fall Apart.

    Wednesday, 7 August 2019

    Its Cool To Be Kind :)

    Today I made a DLO about Kids Can and what they do. So in my DLO there are people giving someone a pair of shoes and then a brief explanation about Kids Can and what they do. Overall it was a fun activity.