For the past semster in DTE, Vin, Kody, Johsua and I have been tasked to make a structure in minecraft, more specifically a dragon. The intial plan was to make a rocket, but we found out quite quick that it was going to be to hard for the amount of time we had, so we decided as a group to make a dragon. Here are a few images of the dragon

Kia Ora
My name is Quein and I am a blog commenter for the Manaiakalani Summer Learning Journey. I really enjoyed your post. I can see that your team has made an Awesome dragon- Great Team work!!!! Dragons have many meanings in symbolism, dragons can represent luck, power and strength. What does your dragon represent?
Do you or your team have any useful tips for fellow minecrafters who would like to create a dragon as well?
Keep up the excellent work! I'm excited to see your next creations and inventions.
Ngā mihi,