
Thursday, 4 July 2019

Charlesworth Reserve Trip

On the 3rd of July 2019 the people that do gardening CIP got to go on a trip to Charlesworth Reserve. Why we went there? So we could contribute to the plants to help climate change/our environment and because it would be a great oppourtunity for us... AND IT WAS! How did we get there? On a bus and two of the schools mini buses/vans.

So when we arrived we ate our morning tea and then we went to the place where we were meant to plant the plants. We got a brief description of how to plant them and that we had to find a buddy to work with, I went with my friend Evan and we got 8 plants done... the plants we planted were called Searush.

Charlesworth Reserve is near Ferrymead and it is on Charlesworth Road. The aim was to plant just under 200 plants but we got around 170-190 which is really good in the time we were there. Once we finished with all the plants we went to a place near the Ferrymead Countdown and started to pick up rubbish that people had left around. there were alot of empty glass bottles and just other random pieces of plastic.

Overall it was quite a fun time and we got alot done, we also found some crabs along the way (when I say some I mean alot!)
Planting some plants

We had an amazing time and if I had the chance I would gladly do it again!
We found a crab

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